We close our offices from midday Monday, December 24, 2007. We reopen on Wednesday January 2, 2008.
See you in 2008!
We close our offices from midday Monday, December 24, 2007. We reopen on Wednesday January 2, 2008.
See you in 2008!
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
9:19 AM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
1:21 PM
If you're in our part of town, drop in for a visit and look at all the great books we have. Perrenial favourites available are Enid Donaldson's The Real Taste of Jamaica and The Story of the Jamaican People by Phillip Sherlock and Hazel Bennett. Newcommers to the bestseller list are Pieces of the Past, Mango Time and of course, the illustrated biography Marcus Garvey. If you don't have the good fortune to be in Jamaica, all our books are available from our website,
the truly hassel-
free way to do your Christmas Shopping! But hurry, our warehouse closes on Thursday, December 21 so you need to
place your orders by midday Tuesday, December 18.
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
8:35 AM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
2:12 PM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
8:49 AM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
8:40 AM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
9:03 AM
What a year its been! We're at the end of week 47 and we've produced a total of 28 NEW books this year - that's a new book every 12 days!
Some of this year's highlights include books published to coincide with the commemoration of the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Trade in Africans. These include Trading Souls: Europe's Transatlantic Trade in Africans to the Caribbean and Saving Souls: The African and British Struggles to End the Transatlantic Trade in African Peoples; African Voices of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Beyond the Silence and the Shame and our feature book, Marcus Garvey. We also had our usual fair share of books in the areas of Society & Government; Cultural & Diaspora Studies; Politics & International Relations; Urban Studies and Integration Studies. Look for the new books in all of these areas at www.ianrandlepublishers.com.
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
9:42 AM
Congratulations to Karen Nunez-Tesheira on her recent appointment as Minister of Finance in Trinidad and Tobago. Karen is an attorney-at-law and former Senior Lecturer at the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad. She is the author of Non-Contentious Probate Practice in the English Speaking Caribbean and The Legal Profession in the English Speaking Caribbean, both of which are used by practitioners and students of the Norman Manley Law School (Jamaica), the Hugh Wooding Law School (Trinidad) and the Eugene Dupuch Law School (the Bahamas).
Above: Karen Nunez-Tesheira
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
1:27 PM
The seven contributions in this collection originate from a colloquium organized by the Caribbean Studies Association in 2003 in Belize in honour of O. Nigel Bolland, who wrote an afterword for the volume. The contributions are inspired by Bolland's The Politics of Labour in the British Caribbean. In addition to British territories, Puerto Rico and Cuba are reviwed here. In his brief afterword, Bolland calls attention to the special position of the Caribbean that places labour at the vanguard of global trends. He argues that neoliberalism has brought about a chronic and structural crisis in the region.
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
2:20 PM
Jamaican Hands Across the Atlantic
Elaine Bauer and Paul Thompson
This book brings up some of the key issues regarding Caribbean migrants and dispels or at least modifies a number of problematic assumptions that seem to have accrued over time. The focus is on transnational families and the evidence that these should not be regarded simply as separated families, but rather as a new kind of family that manages to retain many of the forms and functions of co-residential family life....Quite apart from the many different facets of migration that receive illumniation or are effectively updated by this book, the particular quality of the volume as a whole comes from its style and form, which are clearly influenced by Thompson's lifelong association with oral history and Bauer's empathy with her Jamaican origins.
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
9:56 AM
IRP welcomes Lisa-Marie Clunis and Kaci Hamilton to the IRP family. Lisa, already in the swing of things joined the Marketing department in July. Contact her at marketing@ianrandlepublishers.com for review and desk copy requests and information on forthcoming books. Kaci is our Assistant Editor and already has her hands full with exciting new projects for 2008.
Kaci can be contacted at editorial2@ianrandlepublishers.com.
Above: Lisa
At Right: Kaci
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
10:48 AM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
4:10 PM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
2:50 PM
On Thursday, October 25, 2007, King's House was the site of the launch of the illustrated biography Marcus Garvey in its 3 separate English, French and Spanish language editions. After a welcome by the Governor General His Excellency the Most. Hon. Prof. Kenneth Hall, guests were treated to 2 very powerful messages from Enid Courtney, Lady President of the UNIA Jamaica Chapter and from Shirley Campbell Barr the Costa Rican translator of the spanish edition, who spoke on behalf of the Garvey communities of Central America. The book was formally launched by The Hon. Bruce Golding, Prime Minister of Jamaica and the Author, Suzanne Francis-Brown, made presentations to the National Library of Jamaica, the Jamaica Library Service to Liberty Hall.
At left: PM Golding and Suzanne Francis Brown make a presentation to a representative from Liberty Hall
Above: Publisher Ian Randle makes a presentation of all 3 editions to Prime Minister Golding
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
2:29 PM
IRP was in Bridgetown, Barbados; London, England and Frankfurt, Germany last week as Elaine, Ian and Christine (respectively) each ventured to these varying parts of the world to showcase our books. Hundreds of participants converged at Bridgetown for the ASWAD (Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora) conference. The word was, WORDPOWER was a hit as the first
only International Black Literature Festival & Book Fair in the world, held at the Emirates Arsenal Stadium Conference Hall in London. The Frankfurt Bookfair was, as it always is, HUGE, as hundreds of publishers from across the world gathered to do business in Germany - AND we were there! From the Caribbean to the World.
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
10:16 AM
The Practice of Economic Management:
A Caribbean Perspective
In this compelling selection of 22 essays, Dr. Courtney Blackman, the founding governor of the Central Bank of Barbados, lays out a clear and concise description of economic issues affecting the Caribbean within a broader political context. The essays are sharply critical and insightful in their analyses of economic policies set within the context of small developing Caribbean economies and their unique colonial histories and cultures. The lessons drawn, however, are not limited to the Caribbean region; all have larger global significance of their own.
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
2:43 PM
Earlier this month Ian Randle met with Dr. Edward Green at the CARICOM Secretariat offices in Guyana and presented 8 new publications dealing with regional integration matters, all of which have been released this year. Dr. Green congratulated IRP for its sterling efforts in sustaining the high quality of material and for assisting in advancing the understanding of readers on the vital issues of regional integration.
The 8 new publications are:
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
1:17 PM
Posted by
Ian Randle Publishers
10:21 AM