Thursday, September 18, 2008


Revisiting Caribbean Labour: Essays in Honour of O. Nigel Bolland was published back in 2005, but has just been reviewed in the July-December 2007 issue of Caribbean Studies (Vol. 35 No. 2).
Melanie Shell-Weiss of the Department of History at Johns Hopkins University states in her review:
A pleasure to read, this book deserves a place on the shelves of labor history scholars, whether they are working in the Caribbean or in borderlands of the US, and Latin America. Sutton is to be credited with creating a welcome book that breathes new life into the study of labor, and which underscores how just how vibrant and exciting the field of Caribbean labor studies remains.
For more information on this title, call us toll free from the USA at 1-866-330-5469 and from the Caribbean at 1-800-744-1114.

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